A normal Gorge Day - complete with some exciting Self Rescues.
Today started out like a normal Gorge Day. Coffee at Dog River, and then Breakfast at Bette's. Temira's forecast was for wind in the corridor later in the day, so we had all morning to laze around and shop.
Morning at Bette's.
Kent, who yesterday told us there was no way he is buying a foil - because he found out the price was almost $2000US, has now found another brand that is only $1000. It comes with a shorter mast for learning (you don't ride as high out of the water), and has all kinds of great features that will make it easy to ride. He still hasn't put down any money, but as of this evening, he seemed sold on the idea. Kent's new bike arrives Tuesday, so he is not sure if he can take the double cash hit. Apparently, he is spending money faster than it is coming in - he says either he or Lorna will have to stop spending.....we will see how that goes.
The wind started to pick up earlier than expected. I got a text from Gerry saying that Kent was sailing on his 4.8m revo at the Hatchery. A mad scramble ensued as everyone headed across the river.
Marten, Brandon, Ross, Cam and Eddy went to the White Salmon Bridge to go kiting. I was waffling between kiting and windsurfing, but Gerry's text made me think that it was already almost too windy for my 9.5, and it was likely that the wind was going to build, so I ended up at the Hatchery with the others.
Blaine - all ready to go - just waiting for wind.
I am always amazed at this place. As I drove across the bridge, the the water was "Waterski Calm". A few miles West at the White Salmon bridge there were whitecaps, and at the Hatchery it looked even windier.
When I arrived at the Hatchery, the guys were coming off the water. The wind had dropped off. At first, I thought I would head back to go kiting with the other guys, but the river looked like it might not even be kiteable. I decided to have lunch and wait to see what the wind was going to do.
René had not made it back to the beach and had to swim. When he came off the water he was very frustrated. He told us the story of what I think was an amazing self-rescue. His downhaul rope had come undone on the water so his sail and rig came apart. The rope end was frayed so he couldn't re-string it. He tried to get the attention of the other guys in our group, but no one came close. Gerry did circle him early - but at that time, he thought he was OK and had the situation under control. He had to MacGyver a different way to tie down the sail, after threading the mast into the mast base - all the while being pounded by waves. Once he was able to get it all together, he sailed back to shore and only had a short swim to get back to the beach. Great Job!
Rene's improvised downhaul line.
After lunch, the wind picked up. One by one, the guys got back out on the water. Everyone seemed powered, so I rigged my 5.6 and headed out. Most of the guys were on 4.8-5.2 sails. Everyone had a great sail.
Kent - mid-Jibe
Brad sailed 74km in a single two-hour session. His GPS track is so crowded with reaches back and forth that when you zoom in, you still can't separate them. Wow - talk about stamina!
Brad - Jibemaster!
After a while, the Kiters all arrived at the Hatchery. Ross showed off his slashy surfing style. Marten (kiter) and Kent (windsurfer), had a great time chasing each other around, working the waves, and Marten boosting huge jumps.
I think everyone had a great day! When we were done, everyone gathered at the parking area at the Hatchery.
Marten - Boosting High
Eddy told us about his Kitemare. His exhaust valve blew when he crashed the kite, so the kite deflated. He was on the other side of the river. He had to blow it up on the water while he was trying to swim in the waves. Once he got it blown up enough, he was able to drag himself across the water -where he climbed up over the rocks and then walked back to the White Salmon Bridge. (He did get a ride from a friendly guy in a truck for the last 1/2 mile.)
Eddy - relaxing after a great day kiting!
It was dark by the time we finished telling stories and de-rigging. We walked up to the Horsefeathers Brew Pub for supper.
When we got back to the Condo's, Handre and Cam packed up. They will be leaving early in the morning.
Another great day!
Kent and Brad
Big Jim
The toque group - Brad, Blaine and Big Jim
Cam - ready to go home after 7 days in a row.
Blaine |
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