Wind, Water and Kitemares
Temira's forecast called for Westerly winds picking up by noon to the 23 to 26mph. It was a frontal system, and she said in her forecasts that she was going on a hunch because the models weren't predicting that the wind would last very long, nor be as windy.
Cam, Ross and Eddy were all going kiting and talked me into giving it a try. They all assured me I would be OK with my 9.5m kite.
Ted - ready to go!
Most of guys all headed to the Hatchery where they were surprised that it was a lot windier than predicted. Kent rigged, and as he turned his back for a minute to get his harness a big gust picked up his whole rig and sent if flying.
The guy's sailed all day. Most had two or three sails rigged by the end of the day. Sail sizes were all small. It was gusting to 40mph plus. Gerry started on a 4.7, then went to a 4.2 and finally to a 3.7. He says he should have gone to the 3.7 much sooner. Everyone apparently had a great day!
Ross, Cam, Eddy, Handre and I got to the White Salmon Bridge at around 11:00. It looked pretty windy, but what do I know. Handre was there just as moral support. I reminded all the guys that I would need some assistance and asked that they keep an eye on me. They all agreed.
Ted with his kite! Thanks Handre for the photos.
When we got down to the beach, there was a race to get out on the water. Ross was first, then Cam and then Eddy. I did still have Handre to help me, who had launched one kite before in his life - and that was Eddy's a few minutes before. Anyway, the launch went well. I walked out, struggled to put my board on, and then got out - narrowly missing a bouy - lucky....
Cam, Eddy and Ross all had a great kite session - but over-powered. Cam described a scary time when he was launched and only had one foot on the board. I struggled. The wind was quite gusty. I could get going, but then there would be a lull, so I would cycle the kite, and then a gust would come and I would lose control. I lost my board twice, but the
GOJOE, which is a goofy looking balloon thing that bolts to the top of my board, worked really well keeping my board upright, and downwind so I could body drag over to it.
Big Jim passed me a few times while I was kiting. He was sailing from the
Family Beach site, and seemed to be doing fine cruising back and forth, although he must have been fixated on getting across because he ignored my waves and shouts - even though he was only very close a couple of times - he may have been thinking - damn kiter.....
Ross came over to check on me a couple of times. The second time, he said that he didn't think I would be able to get back to the beach, so he would ask Handre to drive across to the Event site to pick me up. I said OK.
Shortly after that, I got going well, but then had a big crash. I got my board back without an issue but struggled again to put the board back on my feet. I must have banged my chicken loop, because all of a sudden it let go from my harness. I was still attached by my safety leash, so I wasn't too worried. I still had my board, and was trying to get my chicken loop back to my harness, when the kite powered up, I started to get dragged, and then all of a sudden the safety harness came loose. I could only watch the kite fly away down the river. I was in the middle of the river just downwind of the bridge. At least I didn't have to struggle anymore. I had my life jacket and board, so all I had to do was swim/float downwind to the Event Site or Sandbar. As I swam, I continued to watch my kite disappear down the river. It looked like it was going under the bridge. Swimming with a kiteboard is awkward, but I found that if I floated on my back, I could use the board as a sail and it would push me along. A few people came by to ask if I was OK. When I was about half way to the Event Site a guy from Olympia, Washington offered me a tow in. He was a very good sailor with lots of experience. Apparently he had taught kiting for 15 years. He showed me how to hang on to his harness and how to hold my board. We towed in fairly quickly, sometimes almost planing. My hand and arm was quite sore by the time we got to shore from hanging on - but it was much faster than swimming.
Ted's GPS Track...Unfortunately, I forgot to turn my GPS on until after my first few runs and crashes.
When we got close, he dropped me off and I was able to walk to the sandbar. I thanked him, but forgot to ask his name. Miraculously, my kite had been dragged up onto the tip of the sandbar. Someone must have seen it drifting past, and towed it in. It was still inflated with no damage other than very tangled lines. I survived and my equipment all survived. Actually, there was never a time when I was scared - but I was very tired/exhausted.
I gathered up all my junk and walked up to the event site. I decided to sit for a while, and if Handre didn't come by, then I would walk to the waterfront park where Big Jim was sailing. A few minutes later, Handre drove up. It was certainly the classiest rescue I have ever had - getting a ride back in his new
BMW GranCoupe.
Ted - back in one piece |
Apparently, Handre had come over to the Event Site as Ross had asked, and waited for me for about 45 mnutes. When I didn't arrive, he assumed that I had made it back upwind, so he went back across the river to the bridge. When I wasn't there either, he headed back. I owe him big time for his persistence.
Ted's pile of gear - post rescue
We got back to the bridge at about 2:00, in time to meet up with Ross, Cam and Eddy, who were heading up to White Salmon for "Breakfast".
After "our meal" we headed down to the Hatchery to see how the other guys were doing. They were done! The wind was finally dropping and/or becoming more gusty, and they were all exhausted after a fantastic day of sailing.
Apparently, a 3.7 day is not the best day for me to try to learn to Kiteboard on my 9.5m kite...
Blaine and Brad - relaxing after a great day of sailing!
I gave Eddy a ride back to Windance so he could get there before it closed and pick up a new (2014) 7m kite that he had purchased. After that we hit more shops and then headed back to the condo's.
Gerry and Al - both tired after a lot of sailing!
The guy's called and said they were heading straight to China Gorge for supper, so Eddy and I headed over. It was a great meal as usual.
When we got back, I set to the task of trying to untangle my lines. I had lots of help from the guys which made things easier. I was surprised that it only took 20 minutes or so.
Tangled mess.....
We spent the rest of the evening drinking red wine and telling stories.
What a great trip!